Pallet roller conveyors


Pallet roller conveyors are standardised conveyor systems that have been specially developed for transporting pallets on roller conveyors. Pallet roller conveyors are used in warehouses, production facilities and other commercial environments where pallets need to be moved. The main objective of these pallet conveyors is to optimise material flow and increase efficiency by facilitating the transport of pallets.

We offer various pallet conveyor technologies in our portfolio. The modular systems make it possible to integrate different conveyor components and The modular systems make it possible to integrate different conveyor components or conveyor elements individually according to your requirements, including chain conveyors, stroke transfer units, turntables, carriages, vertical conveyors and pallet magazines. See for yourself the breadth of our expertise in conveyor technology and plant engineering: a selection of our realised projects can be found here.

Advantages of pallet roller conveyors from TEGEL-TECHNIK

  • Wide range of applications: Our pallet roller conveyors are efficient and popular support systems in numerous industries. They minimise the manual transport of heavy pallets and reduce the physical strain on employees, for example in a warehouse.

  • Individuality and flexibility: Thanks to the modular design, we can customise our pallet roller conveyors in various lengths, widths and configurations to suit your spatial conditions and transport requirements. This allows you to optimise the use of your conveyor line.

  • Rugged and reliable: The robust construction of our roller conveyors, the use of high-quality materials and the design for high load capacities make our pallet roller conveyors reliable and durable partners. They are also suitable for use in harsh environments and with demanding requirements.

  • Efficiency and cost-effectiveness: Our pallet roller conveyors enable fast and smooth transport of pallets, resulting in shorter throughput times and higher productivity. Reduced use of forklift trucks and industrial trucks saves operating costs.

  • Everything from a single source: We offer a high level of vertical integration with a comprehensive range of mechanical, electrical and software services. As a company and manufacturer in the field of conveyor technology, we have been drawing on our valuable experience since 1982.

Design and functionality of pallet roller conveyors

Pallet roller conveyors consist of a sturdy steel frame fitted with a series of steel rollers. The basis is a robust frame made of steel profiles, whereby different cross-sections and wall thicknesses are used depending on the load capacity and length of the track. The rollers are made of robust steel and fitted with maintenance-free ball bearings, which enable smooth rotation on the driven roller tracks and support low-energy pallet transport. The pallets are placed on the rollers and can then be moved in various ways:

  • Gravity: On inclines, the gravity roller conveyor uses gravity to make the pallets roll downhill.

  • Motor drive: Motor-driven roller conveyors have an electric motor that drives the rollers and enables transport on level sections.

Our pallet roller conveyors can be equipped with additional functions to make their use in pallet transport even more flexible. Stoppers fix the pallets in certain positions, while separating systems regulate the distance between individual pallets. Scales determine the weight of the palletised goods during transport on the conveyor line.

Palettenrollenbahnen im Einsatz

Palettenrollenbahnen haben sich als vielseitige und effiziente Lösung für den Transport von Paletten in verschiedenen Branchen etabliert. Ihre Fähigkeit, schwere Lasten mühelos zu bewegen, kombiniert mit geringem Platzbedarf und einfacher Bedienung, macht sie zu einer beliebten Wahl zur Optimierung von Materialflüssen in Industrie, Handel und Logistik. In folgenden Branchen kommen unsere Palettenförderer zum Einsatz:

  • Lager und Logistik: In Lagerhäusern und Distributionszentren spielen Palettenrollenbahnen eine zentrale Rolle bei der Beladung und Entladung von LKWs, der Kommissionierung von Waren und dem Transport von Paletten innerhalb des Lagerbereichs. Sie ermöglichen eine effiziente und zeitsparende Abwicklung von Warenbewegungen, reduzieren den Einsatz von Gabelstaplern und sorgen so für mehr Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz.

  • Produktion: In Produktionsstätten finden Palettenrollenbahnen vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Sie transportieren Rohmaterialien zu den Produktionslinien, befördern Halbfertigprodukte zwischen den einzelnen Fertigungsstufen und bringen fertige Produkte zur Verpackungs- und Versandabteilung. Durch die reibungslose Verbindung von Arbeitsplätzen und Produktionsanlagen tragen sie zur Steigerung der Produktivität und Effizienz bei.

  • Einzelhandel: Im Einzelhandel kommen Palettenrollenbahnen zum Einsatz, um Waren vom Wareneingangsbereich in die Lagerräume zu transportieren und Regale effizient befüllen zu können. So sorgen Sie für eine schnelle und reibungslose Warenverfügbarkeit und tragen zu einem positiven Einkaufserlebnis für die Kunden bei.

Gallery of our application examples


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